With now being exam season and all, it would be easy for one's mind to lose focus and drift off to the allure of social networks, manga and random things I come across on the internet. Thus, I am writing this post(which ironically, involves me using the Internet) to let my thoughts settle on what I want from working for this exam.
Yes, Zhi Min. Remember how exams used to be quite a thrill? Remember the blog post you wrote about maybe 3 or 4 years ago on why exams could be a form of pleasure too? Maths used to be something that would get you into an adrenaline rush as you challenge the clock to complete everything in the shortest time possible. But today, you were uncertain, you were slow, you hesitated. Is this the stress of knowing how much significance these results hold for you, compared to the years when they were mere numbers?Or was that an act of cautiousness?Yet you still were careless. And you are probably hitting yourself on the head for it.
Things have gotten more serious now. You stand dwarfed among giants. Fortunately, years in high school have taught you to be ambitious, to have a hunger that only the sweetest fruit of glory would satiate and you hope to climb higher than those giants by starting a perilous journey to the tallest peak. You've faced adversity along the way, nevertheless you prevailed. Now, you tend to lose focus and are seduced by complacency and arrogance. You also crumble at the slightest of disappointments and would only regain composure with days of ruing.
So, remember what you want, what you're aiming, why you're doing this. Never let yourself go astray. Your goal is the highest peak, you know what you got yourself into, you know it won't be a smooth journey. You know it will be hard, but you never backed down, you can never let yourself be distracted. You know you can do it.