Saturday, September 26, 2009

Run, Forrest , Run!

I just finished watching Forrest Gump. And yes, it was Awesome!

Now I know way people enjoyed it so much. =) And Forrest has that country accent that strangely reminds me of To Kill A Mocking Bird. And now I want to watch that too!

OK, I have to get back to Bio soon. And after this weekend, it's back to war. =.=

Gotta remember to seize every oppurtunity and make the best outta life =)


cossie said...

this is one of my all time favourite movies. i watched it back in 1994. i was 19 then. it gave me another perspective of life and the journey with the old soundtrack was nice.

i'm glad that 15 years on, there is someone who just like me before, likes the movie as well.

ForWest Inc. said...

You know what?
This is my number one best movies.