Sunday, March 27, 2011

Get Out There!

I realised one thing. I never blogged about my weekend down at Johor volunteering nor for my weekend at Raleigh's IW.

Well, IW has some secrecy policies so there isn't much I can disclosed about it. If you wanna know, come for it! There's one being held in May I think X).

And as for Johor, woah, that was a day spent pretty well. Even though it wasn't the kind of volunteering I expected (as they did say flood relief), it was soul-satisfying nonetheless =). Visiting three different kinds of homes in a day can be quite eye-opening. And it is pretty heart-breaking to see the conditions they live in, this especially goes for the old folks' home =( .

Hopefully if I go back down to Johor one day, I can locate and visit those places again. Then, maybe I can do more than just accompany them for a chat.

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