Friday, September 26, 2008

A T-shirt is real troublesome

And I thought the day I get disappointed with my class wouldn't come..

Well, I was disappointed with them before, I mean after my love for the class grew stronger did I always feel at home in the class. And then, with just that piece of paper, it all went away. It was about the class shirt...

The design was passed around and my classmates wrote their opinions on it. I got more feedback than expected. And apparently, we can't come to an agreement on anything. Everything seems to go against someone. I know I said I accepted constructive criticism but at least say what you want instead of just flamming it. 2 of you even said that you wouldn't wear it on the street..T_T...

o.0 I guess I wasn't as pissed off as I was just now in school since I don't know what to complain about anymore. I will make some changes..maybe. Then, I'll print one for myself and as a sample first...

Nick, I think there was nothing wrong with your motto. Wouldn't it be just a waste if we don't use it?

Sighs..back to the drawing board..

**Hmm..I tried to live up to all your demands, guys...I actually intended on a darker red...Like wine red...Then, I changed that insanity wording...Might make the bird bigger and don't make it look so out of place...I won't change the "mess with the best" motto..but the "die" is now replaced with "go down", since it doesn't necessarily have to do with inflicting physical harm.

That's all I guess..Might go and print in on Sunday or during the hols la..

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